


Shin, L. J., Armenta, C. N., Kamble, S. V., Chang, S-L, Wu, H-Y, & Lyubomirsky, S. (2020). Gratitude in collectivist and individualist cultures. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(5), 598-604. DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2020.1789699[SSCI]


Chin-Lung Chien, Po-Lin Chen, Po-Jui Chu, Hsiang-Yi Wu, Yi-Chao Chen, Shih-Chi Hsu* (2020). The Chinese Version of the Subjective Happiness Scale: Validation and Convergence With Multidimensional Measures. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 38(2),222-235.


吳相儀, 陳琬云*, 黃雅新, 林秀玲(2020)。「大學生感恩課程」之教學歷程研究。教育研究集刊。66(1),35-76。




吳相儀*、陳冠羽、廖思涵、劉政宏、謝碧玲(2018)「新編青少年強項量表」之編製與驗證。測驗學刊,65(4),367-398。[科技部:104-2410-H-037-010] [TSSCI]




Yang, C.-C., Fan, C.-W., Chen. K.-M., Hsu, S.-C., & Chien, C.-L.(簡晉龍)* (in press). As a Happy Kindergarten Teacher: The Mediating Effect of Happiness Between Role Stress and Turnover Intention. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. [SSCI]




 Wu, H. Y., Kung, F. Y. H., Chen, H. C., Kim, Y. H*. (2017). Academic Success of “Tiger Cubs”: Self-Control (not IQ) Predicts Academic Growth and Explain Girls’ Edge in Taiwan. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(6), 698-705. [SSCI]




簡晉龍, 余麗樺, 張群, 鍾昆原*(2017)。在福樂(flourishing)之外:護理人員本土化幸福感量表之編製與檢驗。教育與心理研究,40(2),93-125。[TSSCI]






 Chien, C.-L.* (簡晉龍)(2016). Beyond authoritarian personality: The culture-inclusive theory of Chinese authoritarian orientation. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (924). DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00924 [SSCI]




王煒萱、鍾昆原*(2015)。感恩介入成效之後設分析。高雄行為科學學刊,5(5), 75-112。








吳相儀、蔡佳伶、劉安慈、陳亭妤、鍾昆原(2020, 10)。開發「三件好事」手機APP之成效。臺灣心理學會第五十九屆年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。


陳姵妤、陸宣均、余晨瑋、邱發忠、吳相儀(2020, 10)。創意思維與幸福感之關係:以心流為中介。臺灣心理學會第五十九屆年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。


Yu, C.-W F., Wu, H.-Y., & Hsiao, S.-C. (2020, June 1–September 1). How Forgiveness Is Constructed Differently in East Asia and How It Relates to Well-being. Virtual poster showcase presented at the 32nd APS Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, USA.


陳琬云、蕭舒謙、周子芸、陳儀芸、吳相儀(2019, 11)。「感恩融入寬恕課程」對感恩、寬恕、幸福感與壓力知覺影響之研究。臺灣心理學會第五十八屆年會暨學術研討會,高雄,台灣。


Liao, S. H., Lai, Y. S., Chen, J. C., & Wu, H. Y. (2019). Unlocking Well-Being in Chinese Culture: The Development of the Adolescent Well-Being Scale in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia.


Chang, S. L., Wu, Y. Y., Chen, R. T., Wu, H. Y. (2019 October). What appeals to them? Critical elements affecting Taiwanese old adults’ playing experiences in the board games. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Taipei, Taiwan.


Chuan-Tian Lin, Kuen-Yung Jone*(2018)。Shaping of Cultural Ideal Self: Observe Merits & Appreciate Kindness (OMAK) as a process of self-cultivation. INPM’s 10th Biennial International Meaning Conference on “Courage, Faith, and Meaning: Existential Positive Psychology’s Response to Adversity. Vancouver, CA., 02-Aug-2018~05-Aug-2018


Anna Shan Chun Hsu, Kuen-Yung Jone*, Chuan-Tian Lin (2018)。Wisdom and Action in Posttraumatic Growth: A Dialogue Between OMAK and PP2.0, INPM’s 10th Biennial International Meaning Conference on “Courage, Faith, and Meaning: Existential Positive Psychology’s Response to Adversity. Vancouver, CA., 02-Aug-2018~05-Aug-2018


Chen, L. C., Chen, M. H., Hwang, E. C., Huang, Y. H., Sun, L. C., Wu, H.Y. (2018, August). Unexpected Impact of Gratitude Visit: Uncovering Crying Behavior in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on Education and Learning, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.


Chien, C.-L.(簡晉龍), Hsu, S.-C., Chen, Y.-C., Huang, C.-P.(黃仲平), & Huang, S.-C.(黃士真) (2018, July). The decline of teacher-student ethic? The respecting-teachers ethic and its positive functions in a Chinese society. The European Conference on the Social Sciences 2018, Brighton, UK.


Chen, C. I., Wu, Y. Y., Lin H. L., Liu Y. Y., Wu H. Y. (2018,June). Learning From Excellent Nurses: A Qualitative Study Of Effective Strategies To Overcome Common Troubling Situations .Paper presented at meeting of International Conference on Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, United Kingdom, London.


Lin, H. C., Chen, Y. H., Chen, I. Y., Lin, I. M., Wu, H. Y. (2018, June). The Effect of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure on Different Kinds of Gratitude. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Positive Education Network, Fort Worth, Texas.


Chang, S. L., Wu, H. Y., Lien, W. C. (2018, May). Knowing the nuance: Self-control and grit are separable as determinants of students’ academic success as well as predictors of positive psychological factors. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.


黃仲平、簡晉龍(2018, May):《逆境裡的曙光:華人品味內涵與歷程之本土取向探究》。台灣應用心理學年會暨學術研究會。高雄:高雄醫學大學。


黃冰妤、莊勝發、鍾昆原(2018, May):《護理人員正念舒壓介入方案之成效》。台灣應用心理學年會暨學術研究會。高雄:高雄醫學大學。


鄭逸如、蕭舒謙、蔡宇哲(2018, May):《正向心理學高中生營隊成效初探》。台灣應用心理學年會暨學術研究會。高雄:高雄醫學大學。


張群、簡晉龍、劉雅瑛、鍾昆原(2018, May):《護理人員本土化幸福感量表修訂:精緻化與再驗證》。台灣應用心理學年會暨學術研究會。高雄:高雄醫學大學。






鍾昆原(2017, 10)。正向心理學的逐夢踏實:本土化量表編製與其應用。臺灣心理學會第五十六屆年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。


黃冰妤、莊勝發、余麗樺(2017, 10)。「日常正念量表」之初步編製。臺灣心理學會第五十六屆年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。


吳相儀、陳冠羽、廖思涵、劉政宏、謝碧玲(2017, 10)。「新編青少年強項量表」之發展。臺灣心理學會第五十六屆年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。


陳冠羽、廖思涵、賴穎萱、劉政宏、吳相儀(2017, 10)。青少年強項與幸福感之關係 : 以壓力知覺為中介。臺灣心理學會第五十六屆年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。


陳麗琴、賴穎萱、陳琬云、陳禹璇、鍾昆原、吳相儀(2017, 10)。感恩怎麼教?兩種感恩課程對護理人員實施成效之比較研究。臺灣心理學會第五十六屆年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。


廖藝芸、鍾昆原(2017, 10)。正向人際介入方案對人際關係與幸福感之影響-以護理人員為例。臺灣心理學會第五十六屆年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。


楊朝鈞、簡晉龍(2017, 10)。臉書讓我更幸福?從關係品質探討社交網站使用對幸福感之效果。臺灣心理學會第五十六屆年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。


Chien, C.-L. (簡晉龍), & Hsu, S.-C. (2017, July). Chinese authority-sensitization and its distinction with power distance. Poster presented at the Fourth European Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Brighton, UK.


Wu, H. Y., Hsin, Y. Z., Huang, Y. H., Hwang, E. C., Lin H. L. (2017, July). Besides the gratitude Program Effect: Unlocking the Common Instructional Process of Certified Teachers. Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology, July 13-16, 2017. Montréal, Canada.


Chen, Y. H., Chen, L. C., Wu H. Y., Chen W. Y., Lai Y. S., Chen S. S. (2017,June). Effects of the Gratitude Program on the Gratitude, Well-Being, Perceived Stress and Stress Coping of Nurses. 19th International Conference on Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, June 28-29, 2017. London, United Kingdom.


Chien, C.-L.(簡晉龍), Chu, P.-J., Chen, P.-L., Yu, L., Wu, H.-Y.(吳相儀), & Hsu, S.-C. (2017, June). Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Translation of the Subjective Happiness Scale. 2017台灣應用心理學會暨台灣網路成癮防治學會年會暨學術研討會。台中:亞洲大學


吳相儀(2016, 10)。正向心理學跨界與對話:相關、因果、介入。臺灣心理學會第五十五屆年會暨學術研討會,台南,台灣。


林筱純、劉安慈、鄭茜馨、周子芸、吳依穎、吳相儀、邱發忠(2016, 10)。提升創造力,哪種正向情感效果較好?-由趨向動機觀點探討正向情感對創造力表現之影響。臺灣心理學會第五十五屆年會暨學術研討會,台南,台灣。


黃冰妤、黃仲平、林佳瑾、*莊勝發(2016, 10)。護理人員正念舒壓介入方案成效初探。臺灣心理學會第五十五屆年會暨學術研討會,台南,台灣。


*廖藝芸、鍾昆原、陳儀芸(2016, 10)。正向人際之定義及課程運用成效初探。臺灣心理學會第五十五屆年會暨學術研討會,台南,台灣。




Wu, H. Y., Hsin, Y. Z., Chen, W. Y., Jone, K. Y. (2016, July). The Comparison between The Effect of The Gratitude Program and The Happiness Program. The First Festival of Positive Education, July 18-20, 2016. Dallas, U.S.


Chien, C.-L. (簡晉龍), Hsu, S.-C., Chen, Y-J., Jone, K.-Y.(鍾昆原), & Wang, J.-H.(王健豪) (2016, July). “Respecting the superior” ethic: The social adjustment of Chinese authority-sensitization. Poster presented at the Third European Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Brighton, UK.


鄭逸如、蔡宇哲 (2016, 3)自我控制訓練設計與成效評估研究。台灣應用心理學年會暨學術研討會,台中,台灣。


陳慕楓、莊勝發 (2016, 3)心理健康連續量表台灣短版信效度研究 。台灣應用心理學年會暨學術研討會,台中,台灣。


簡晉龍、鍾昆原、余麗樺、連文琪、張群、周品君、陳瑞堂、黃仲平(2016, 3)在福樂之外:護理人員幸福感之向度建構及量表編制。台灣應用心理學年會暨學術研討會,台中,台灣。


吳相儀、陳琬云、張聖翎、蕭舒謙、簡晉龍(2016, 3) 從感恩到幸福:從復原力探討感恩與心理健康之關係。台灣應用心理學年會暨學術研討會,台中,台灣。


蔡宜廷、黃仲平、鍾昆原(2015, 10)從能量觀點探討個人強項對於人際關係之關係。台灣心理學會年會,台北,台灣。


王宥人、鍾昆原(2015, 10)高雄氣爆事件受創者創傷後成長之敘說研究。台灣心理學會年會,台北,台灣。


吳相儀、蕭舒謙、張群(2015, 10)馬來西亞獨立中學教職員感恩、復原力及幸福感之相關研究。台灣心理學會年會,台北,台灣。


張群、鍾昆原、蔡宇哲、劉雅瑛、莊勝發、吳相儀(2015, 8)。正向心理培訓對護理人員之實施成效研究。第九屆華人心理學家學術研討會,上海,中國。


陳琬云、吳相儀、鍾昆原、連文琪、鄭逸如、蔡宜廷(2015, 8)。感恩介入方案對高階護理主管之實施成效研究。第九屆華人心理學家學術研討會,上海,中國。